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About Us

Seeing a need for quality, accessible ballet for young children, not just through elite dance schools, Sheryn and Peter Zarins turned the concept of a dance school on its head and created, Kinderballet™.

Sheryn Zarins

Sheryn’s vast experience meant they were able to craft a program specifically for preschoolers. The program was structured so they could fully enjoy the experience of ballet at a young age. With quality, hand-picked teachers, and limited class size numbers all without the pressure and expense of big concerts and costumes, as this can be overwhelming for children so young.

Knowing that average families need to be careful with money we made the program for the wider community. Making it affordable and family friendly was very important to us and we did away with the need of exact uniforms, often a great expense when wanting your child to try a new activity. Allowing children the freedom to dress as they choose opened up the experience of ballet class for young children to come in their favourite fairy dresses or that beloved dress from Grandma, something young children get very excited about.

The music is also our own and unique to Kinderballet™ – not Hi-5 and the wiggles CDs. Sheryn worked with renowned pianist - Jenny Pickering - who has been associated with ballet at the highest levels for years. The music has been developed specifically for us, our program and our little dancers.

Our program is set around the Adventures of Bella Ballet Bear. A program designed to introduce the basics of classical ballet, in an imaginative way. So the children are learning through play – a very popular concept in modern education. We stimulate imagination; individual attention engages each child as all children are prompted for their input to the class.


Kinderballet Office


We developed a program that introduces music with movement in an environment that children enjoy. They are being active and having fun at the same time. Physical activity in children is more important than ever in today’s society.

The Australian Government Department of Health states that, “Being physically active every day is important for the healthy growth and development of infants, toddlers and pre-schoolers.”

  • It helps achieve and maintain a healthy weight.
  • Build strong bones and muscles.
  • Improve balance, movement and co-ordination skills.
  • Promote social skills through interactions with people.
  • Support brain development.
  • Encourage self-confidence and independence

Along with physical benefits children benefit greatly from the social interaction of Kinderballet™.

Research shows also that children who have social engagement with their peers outside their usual family, day care, kindy or school environment develop beneficial social skills and confidence.

Our classes are an excellent opportunity for children and parents to make friends and broaden their social circle. Social skills are strengthened as young children learn their role as a student in a class, taking instruction from a teacher and learn to deal with other children and not being the centre of the universe.

Every aspect of the Kinderballet™ program has been carefully and expertly designed by us to give young children a unique and exciting experience with the world of ballet!

Sheryn Zarins

Our Creator

The Kinderballet™ programs have all been painstakingly developed and refined by Sheryn Zarins - ex RAD Graded examiner and teacher, based on a lifetime of experience learning, teaching and examining ballet in Australia and internationally.